+49 2842 9085780 info@ayxesis.de

About us

The ayxesis GmbH is a company for mechanical and plant engineering. We are particularly active in the automotive and chemical industries. But we have also been able to convince in many other industries.


Was wir machen

Als Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer bieten wir Unterstützung von der Entwicklung über die Konstruktion bis hin zur Fertigung von Maschinen und Anlagen. Neben 3D-Druckern und verschiedenen Pumpen haben wir für unsere Kunden bereits diverse Roboter und Dosieranlagen entwickelt.




What we do for you


We accompany you in the development of your ideas, the subsequent construction and finally in the manufacture of the machines and systems.

On request, we can also support you as a supplier in the subsequent series production. Due to the high demand, we increased our capacities in series production significantly in 2016.



Unsere Kooperationspartner finden Sie hier.